Tuesday, September 20, 2011

the things we do

What do you do when you need to carry your baby six blocks? You wrap her up.

2 weeks old

And what do you when your toddler pulls up lame a block into the walk? Well, you wrap her up, too.


This was the best photo I could get of our little five block tandem-wearing adventure. Sadly, it doesn't do justice to the insanity of the situation. A 5'2" woman wearing more than one third her body weight, with three year old feet dangling around her knees and a four month old head bobbing around near her chin, carting a shoulder bag full of cloth diapers and a tote bag with a plastic potty is a truly ridiculous sight.

The things we do for our kids, eh?


  1. Oh my gosh! I have been in a similar situation (minus the potty), but I'm 5'8", and my children would have to be jinormous to approach 1/3 my body weight! I can't believe you pulled it off! Kuddos!

  2. To clarify, the toddler pulled up "lame". There was absolutely nothing wrong with her.

  3. Brilliant urban toddler idea: the mini segway! Laugh now but stranger things have made it to market...

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Oh goodness, that's quite a haul, and such inspirational wrapping! Mine never took to wraps particularly; I wore Libra in a sling, but when Gemini came onto the scene we bought an Ergo carrier. Now they are both into walking, so we keep an umbrella stroller handy for those inevitable moments when they tire and want to relax.

  5. Love it! I wore all my kids, my youngest is still being worn, and he's two and a half and huge LOL. Babywearing is just so beautiful I dont know what Im going to do when our days are done

  6. HAHAHAHA!!!
    love this!!!



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